Grease trap violations could result in sanctions

Council nixes permit requirements for some fences and walls

CAVE CREEK – During Monday night’s meeting, Town Manager Peter Jankowski informed council the bases have been poured for the two gateway statues and council will be receiving the new grease trap ordinance for review next week.

Call to the Public brought Cave Creek Museum Executive Director Evelyn Johnson to the podium to give council a “sneak peek” at the museum’s annual report, which she passed out to each council member.

David Smith said he spoke a month or so ago at council about infrastructure gracefully deteriorating but new photographs show it was not so graceful.

He said the pictures should be on the front page of Sonoran News because people need to know.

Council unanimously passed the second reading of an ordinance amending the town code by deleting Section 51.084, “Volume charges for excess BOD and TSS and sewer utility fees,” because the rate structure was two years out of date and the ordinance is obsolete.


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